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S'pore Woman Claims Helper Stole Money & Cigarettes, Feels Betrayed As She Treated Her Well

Singaporean Woman Says Helper Stole Her Valuables Including Cash & Cigarettes

A Singaporean woman took to TikTok over how her helper stole from her on several occasions. The items she took included cash, accessories, a handphone stand, and even cigarettes.

She said the theft had occurred despite the fact that she had treated her helper well.

Woman says helper stole valuables including cash and cigarettes

In a six-minute-long TikTok video, Singaporean businesswoman Winnie Heng explained that her husband was the first to suspect her helper of stealing from them.

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

Mrs Heng would usually give him some money, and he had recently discovered that his wallet was missing S$100.

He then alleged that the helper had stolen it, but Mrs Heng did not believe this. She refused to accept her helper would be guilty of such behaviour.

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

Instead, she said that he must have spent it himself.

Initially, no one in Mrs Heng’s family believed her husband’s claims. However, S$160 went missing from his wallet yet again and her mother began to suspect the helper.

Feeling suspicious, Mrs Heng’s mother went to search her helper’s bag, and found crumpled-up banknotes hidden in several corners.

After that, at 9am in the morning on 29 Sep, Mrs Heng’s sister informed her of the discovery and they proceeded to search through the helper’s bags as well.

They then discovered cigarettes, Mrs Heng’s jewellery and sunglasses, a handphone stand and a portable charger.

Mrs Heng added that she would usually provide her helper a form of pocket allowance.

However, she knew the banknotes found were not from the allowance as she would usually give her helper newer notes and her husband older ones.

Woman claims valuables stolen by helper includes cigarettes

Mrs Heng then said that she would have forgiven her helper if she had just stolen a bit of cash. If she had been in urgent need of money, she would have been more understanding.

However, the discovery of cigarettes in the stash she came across was what she couldn’t accept.

“She only has time to smoke when she takes my children downstairs to play,” she said. “I can’t accept people smoking in front of my children.”

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

Mrs Heng had even asked her if she stole the cigarettes to resell to friends, but she admitted that she had smoked them herself.

In the video, Mrs Heng also shared that part of her earnings came from selling accessories on live streams. Some of these accessories, such as a pair of earrings, were also found in the helper’s bags.

“She even wanted to steal this handphone stand,” she said, holding it up. “What value does this even hold that she’d want to steal it?”

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

Employer said she treated her helper well

Mrs Heng added that though she wouldn’t go so far as to call herself the “best employer”, she felt that she had done her best to treat her helper well.

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

After her helper’s arrival in Singapore, Mrs Heng immediately bought her a new phone and replaced it when it broke.

She would also bring her along on overseas trips, including a vacation in Japan, to shop and sightsee.

Mrs Heng would even order the dishes her helper preferred at restaurants, ensuring she had a full meal beyond just white rice.

“If she asks for white rice, I’d order fried rice for her,” she said. “I’d even order meat and vegetables.”

“I eat well she eats well, I go shopping she will also go shopping,” she added.

In addition, Mrs Heng knew her helper liked earrings, and bought some for her from Japan.

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

“I bought many, many things for her,” she claimed. “I think . . . it was my fault, I treated her too well.”

Employers should set clear rules and boundaries

Mrs Heng added that she was aware her helper had come to an unfamiliar country and was working for strangers after leaving her hometown.

As such, she had felt sorry for her and wanted to treat her well.

Source: @winniewangweiyu on TikTok

“She felt like part of the family,” Mrs Heng said.

In fact, she had also given her a second chance after catching her being rude to her family members.

“I cannot give her another chance this time,” Mrs Heng stated, noting that she had booked a flight to send her back to her hometown the day she caught her stealing.

Speaking to MS News, she said her helper had been working for her for one year and six months before she decided to terminate her employment.

Currently, she shares the workload of her chores with her husband while on the search for another helper.

“This time round, I’m going to choose slowly,” Mrs Heng shared.

She also urged families who hire helpers to be more strict from the first meeting onwards. They should set clear boundaries and rules as well.

“Don’t over-pamper them and don’t be too trusting,” Mrs Heng warned. “Don’t leave cash or valuables in the house.”

Also read: S’pore Helper Steals Employer’s S$64K Patek Philippe Watch To Repay Friend’s Debt, Jailed 21 Months

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Featured image adapted from @winniewangweiyu on TikTok.

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