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US YouTuber Shocked By People Picking Noses Publicly In S'pore, Comments Say It's Not Common

US YouTuber Lists Sight Of Singaporeans Picking Their Noses Among Things That Shocked Him

A YouTuber from the United States (US) recently visited Singapore and shared in a video several things that shocked him, including the country’s cleanliness and heat.

Surprisingly enough, he also said that people picked their noses, prompting citizens to argue that not many did that.

US YouTuber shocked by people picking their noses in Singapore

In a nine-minute video, Noah Boudrie, also known as Wanderlust Wellman on YouTube, shared that his recent visit to Singapore for the first time “blew him away.”

Source: Wanderlust Wellman on YouTube

He went on to list seven parts of Singapore that shocked him, with the very last on the list definitely coming as a surprise to many.

Admitting that it wasn’t very “positive,” he said that his wife, Venessa, couldn’t help but notice that people would pick their noses in public.

Source: Wanderlust Wellman on YouTube

“It’s not as big of a no-no as it might be in America or the West,” he noted, but also added it was “definitely a shocker and not in a good way”.

He then added that Singapore was doing pretty well for itself as picking noses was one of the few less-than-positive shockers on the list.

Netizens tell US YouTuber most in Singapore don’t pick noses

Many have since flocked to Noah’s comments to respond to his observation.

One user said that most Singaporeans probably didn’t engage in blatantly picking their nose, as Noah had implied.

Source: YouTube

Another netizen argued that Noah exaggerated the nose-picking, claiming that a majority of them didn’t do it.

Source: YouTube

Nevertheless, there were those who said his observations were fair, although they also noted that picking noses isn’t socially acceptable behaviour in Singapore.

Source: YouTube

Other observations about Singapore

While the nose-picking did seem negative, Noah’s overall judgement of Singapore was mostly positive.

For instance, he appreciated the greenery in Singapore, pointing out Jewel Changi Airport as one of his favourite locations.

Source: Wanderlust Wellman on YouTube

“Walking down the streets… [it’s] like an outdoor greenhouse,” he enthused.

Noah also praised the affordability, cleanliness and convenience of the local public transportation system.

The individual culture of each neighbourhood in Singapore, such as Chinatown and Little India, appealed to him as well.

He further shared that the general affordability of the country surprised him, citing hawker centres with its cheaper meals as an example.

Source: Wanderlust Wellman on YouTube

Noah went on to shout out Gardens By The Bay, complimenting its “futuristic architecture” and the light show at the Supertree Grove.

And of course, he couldn’t help but mention the heat and humidity in Singapore as a definite shocker, describing it as “no joke.”

“It felt like I was walking outside in a little bit of a sauna,” he lamented.

Regardless of the more negative observations, we hope that Noah and Venessa enjoyed their stay in Singapore.

Do you agree with their list? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Also read: Japanese YouTuber Lists 15 Reasons Why He Appreciates S’pore, Such As Cincai-ness & Safety

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Featured image adapted from Wanderlust Wellman on YouTube.

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