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Japanese YouTuber Visits S'pore's 'Most Depressing' Neighbourhood Yew Tee, Says Residents Are Really Friendly

Japanese YouTuber Explores Yew Tee, Supposedly The ‘Most Depressing’ Neighbourhood In Singapore

Pretty much every neighbourhood in Singapore has its own reputation and stereotype that precedes it.

Think Yishun and its purported status as the “ghetto” of Singapore and the atas-ness of the Marina Bay area.

Apparently, some people online seem to think that Yew Tee is the most depressing neighbourhood on the Little Red Dot.

Source: Simple Wikipedia

Having come across the remarks, Japanese YouTuber Ghib Ojisan decided to take the plunge to see for himself whether the area truly deserves such a title.

To his surprise, not only did he meet friendly residents along the way, but he also saw just how beautiful the simple neighbourhood could be.

Yew Tee allegedly ‘most depressing’ neighbourhood in Singapore, piques interest of Japanese YouTuber

Ghib Ojisan documented his day trip to Yew Tee in a YouTube video he posted on Friday (20 Oct).

The Japanese YouTuber said that he came across a Reddit comment calling Yew Tee the “most depressing town” in Singapore.

That piqued his curiosity, and he decided to explore it for himself.

He began his journey at the open space outside Yew Tee MRT station. There, he remarked how it seemed like a nice neighbourhood despite it being “very far”.

Ghib Ojisan says people are ‘really friendly’ in Yew Tee

As he was having a meal at a Kopitiam Corner food court, a resident shared with him that they had lived there since 1994.

In response to whether Yew Tee lives up to its bleak reputation, the resident simply said, “No lah!”

Source: Ghib Ojisan on YouTube

On top of that, someone who appeared to be a staff member from the store where he got his food approached him to ask if he is Japanese.

The staff member then revealed that they stayed in the Ibaraki prefecture for two years.

“People are really friendly here!” Ghib Ojisan remarked.

Next, while walking around, another resident recommended a nearby park connector.

According to the resident, the park connector has a nice view in the evenings. However, the only food place he was able to recommend was 7-Eleven.

A female resident then told the YouTuber that the online comments about the place were “not wrong”.

Source: Ghib Ojisan on YouTube

That said, she highlighted that Yew Tee is still undergoing some developments.

“So, it’s getting better,” she noted.

Yew Tee resident says it is not ‘depressing’, but ‘quiet’

Ghib Ojisan then met up with one of his viewers, known only as Gordon, who brought him to a durian shop near the MRT station. There, the pair tried some durians of the Red Prawn variety.

Gordon then highlighted that Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong is a Member of Parliament for the Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC.

Instead of “depressing”, Gordon said that he would use the word “quiet” to describe the town instead.

“There’s nothing much going on here, nothing exciting. But, nothing ‘crazy’ like Yishun, for example.”

Source: Ghib Ojisan on YouTube

Next, Ghib Ojisan and Gordon visited Yew Tee Point.

The latter pointed out that there aren’t many shopping options available as most of the stores there are eateries.

Next on the itinerary was a wet market, where Gordon disclosed that sometimes, the vendors may give you a vegetable for free if you only need one of it.

This is in contrast with supermarkets, where produce is usually only available in packets.

The YouTuber agreed, saying, “This is the beauty of wet markets.”

Ghib Ojisan encourages viewers to keep an open mind & find beauty in simplicity

Finally, Gordon brought Ghib Ojisan to the park connector that another resident had recommended.

There, the sounds and sights reminded Ghib Ojisan of his hometown.

He stated, “The river here is so beautiful; it kind of reminds me of summer in Japan when I was young.”

Source: Ghib Ojisan on YouTube

“It’s funny because this alone makes Yew Tee beautiful. But the thing is, when you live in one location for too long, you kind of take everything for granted. It becomes too normal or boring for you,” he reflected.

“But, if you think of it, nothing is really boring, nothing is really static.”

He concluded that if you can learn to have an open mind and enjoy the beauty of simplicity, you will enjoy living anywhere.

Also Read: Japanese YouTuber Lists 15 Reasons Why He Appreciates S’pore, Such As Cincai-ness & Safety

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Featured image adapted from Ghib Ojisan on YouTube.

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