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HomeLatest NewsStreet Busker In Georgia Plays 'Majulah Singapura' On Accordion, Impresses S'pore Viewers

Street Busker In Georgia Plays 'Majulah Singapura' On Accordion, Impresses S'pore Viewers

Georgia Street Busker Plays ‘Majulah Singapura’ On Accordion

Singapore’s national anthem ‘Majulah Singapura’ is often heard at school assemblies or national events such as the National Day Parade (NDP). So a random path in Georgia might be the last place you’d expect to hear the iconic tune.

Yet, there was exactly where a tourist from Singapore found a busker playing an accurate rendition of the song on his accordion.

Perhaps blown away by the performance, the tourist fittingly gave him a Singapore S$10 note.

Street busker in Georgia plays ‘Majulah Singapura’

TikTok user @wantwotwee posted about his curious encounter on 30 Oct.

As the musician lifted his accordion and played the melodic tune, the sound likely jolted every Singaporean’s neurons.

Source: @wantwotwee on TikTok

Listen carefully and you’d realise that the unmistakable tune is none other than that of the anthem that’s been ingrained into most of our minds since childhood.

As he continued with the song effortlessly, the OP stood in silent admiration of the busker’s talent.

Standing under his purple umbrella, the busker’s right hand pressed away at the piano keys, as his left pulled and pushed the accordion bellows.

Source: @wantwotwee on TikTok

The musician exhibited impressive talent, creating a near-perfect rendition of a song people from outside of Singapore wouldn’t normally know.

Source: @wantwotwee on TikTok

As his performance neared its end, the OP entered the frame and stood alongside the busker, singing the words to our national anthem while he played the last notes.

Source: @wantwotwee on TikTok

To end his streetside show off, the busker went the extra mile in singing the final two “Majulah Singapura”s of the anthem.

Few Singaporean viewers likely cared that he only knew and sang the word “Singapura”, with the OP joining along with a big smile on his face.

Source: @wantwotwee on TikTok

Impressed tourist hands busker S$10 note

Eventually, as the busker raised his hands with a flourish to mark the end of his performance, the OP erupted into applause.

The person behind his camera also praised the busker, saying that, “That was so great!”

Source: @wantwotwee on TikTok

In the comments of MS News‘ repost of the same video, the OP said that he handed the busker a red, Singapore S$10 note along with €5. That was apparently all the cash he had in his pocket then.

Source: TikTok

Seeing the wide smile on the busker’s face, we’re sure he was more than happy with the thoughtful gesture.

As for the OP, certainly hearing something that reminded him of home so far away in Europe was comforting.

As if praise wasn’t enough, some TikTok viewers suggested inviting the busker to perform in next year’s NDP.

Source: TikTok

Whether the relevant parties would agree to that, we can only guess — but it’ll surely be an interesting inclusion.

Also read: Majulah Singapura Plays In Asian Grocery Store In The US & S’poreans Are Shook

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Featured image adapted from @wantwotwee on TikTok.

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