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Rider Stops After Mistaking TP's Wave As 'Slow Down', Friendly Certis Cisco Officer Checks If He's Okay

Friendly Certis Cisco Officer Corrects Rider After He Misunderstands Traffic Police’s Hand Signal

While on the road, we can run into some confusing interactions that can cause misunderstandings.

One particular rider misunderstood a ‘slow down’ sign from a Land Transport Authority (LTA) officer and stopped on the side of the road.

But after the LTA officer simply drove past him, the rider was left confused until a Certis Cisco auxiliary police officer corrected his assumption.

The wholesome interaction has gone viral on TikTok, with almost 900,000 views as of the time of writing.

Rider stops after mistaking traffic police officer’s ‘slow down’ hand signal

TikTok user @wesmybike posted the video on 22 Sep, featuring his dash cam footage.

The story goes that OP was cruising down the highway when an LTA officer signalled to slow down on the left side of the road.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

However, the OP mistook this sign. He thought that the officer was signalling for him to stop.

And so that’s exactly what he did.

But after pulling to a stop on the side of the road, the police officer simply drove past him without even a cursory look.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

This left the OP confused for a while.

Certis Cisco auxiliary officer checks on rider, asking why he stopped

Moments later, a Certis Cisco auxiliary officer pulled up beside the OP and asked what happened.

The OP then explained that he thought the traffic police officer had asked him to stop.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

Of course, the OP was quickly corrected — the auxiliary officer explained that he was only told to slow down.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

Embarrassed, the OP apologised, but the friendly officer waved it off with an understanding “no, no, no”.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

Both riders then continued down the highway without further incident.

Amused comments joke that rider needs to retake his BTT

Many were tickled by the humorous interaction.

One comment joked that the rider needed to retake his basic theory test (BTT) since he couldn’t differentiate between the hand signals.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

Other comments said it was still better to be safe than sorry.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

An individual gave the benefit of the doubt, noting that many would freeze up in front of a traffic police officer even if they’ve gone through driving school.

Source: @wesmybike on TikTok

At least the OP confirmed that he didn’t have a traffic infringement, so he can certainly count his blessings.

It’s not the first time a Certis Cisco officer has been helpful and friendly. Another Certis Cisco officer even helped a traveller transfer their toiletries into 100ml bottles at the airport.

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Featured image adapted from @wesmybike on TikTok.

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