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HomeInspirationS’pore Sisters Get Pomeranian Behind Parents’ Backs, They Accept Doggo After Falling...

S’pore Sisters Get Pomeranian Behind Parents’ Backs, They Accept Doggo After Falling For Its Cuteness

Sisters Convince Parents To Accept Adorable Pet Pomeranian

While a pet can be a great addition to any family, it is also a major responsibility that requires careful consideration.

For this reason, some parents may be hesitant to let their children keep one.

However, a pair of sisters in Singapore recently decided to take the leap by adopting a Pomeranian puppy without their parents’ knowledge.

sisters Pomeranian parentssisters Pomeranian parents

Source: @etthheelll on TikTok

Although they initially hid the puppy, the pair eventually let the cat (or should we say dog) out of the bag by introducing it to their parents who thankfully, fell in love with the adorable Pomeranian.

Sisters hid Pomeranian in room for days before telling parents

TikTok user Ethel recently shared her story of how she got her pet Pomeranian with her sister without their parents’ knowledge.

After talking about it for several months, the sisters visited a pet shop and decided on a white Pomeranian puppy.

At the start, they kept the puppy in their room and out of their parents’ view.

To complicate matters, the sisters claimed that their parents don’t allow them to lock their room door anytime they wish.

Nonetheless, they managed to set up a cage for their new pet, showing a photo in which he slept blissfully, tucked under a blanket.

sisters Pomeranian parentssisters Pomeranian parents

Source: @etthheelll on TikTok

Ethel’s sister would go one step further by waking up as early as 5.45am and waiting for their parents to leave for work before walking their puppy.

The Pomeranian even whined and barked from inside the room,  but Ethel and her sister’s secret thankfully remained safe.

Sisters pitched the idea of having a dog to parents

However, keeping their Pomeranian inside a room forever was not sustainable.

Therefore, Ethel and her sister created a slideshow highlighting the benefits and responsibilities of owning a dog.

sisters Pomeranian parentssisters Pomeranian parents

Source: @etthheelll on TikTok

They then presented the slideshow to their parents with the purpose of ‘pitching’ the idea of owning a dog. However, they stopped short of revealing they already have one.

Unfortunately, they faced a setback when their parents were not sold on the presentation.

It was at this point that they revealed they had already bought their dog. However, only their mother allegedly heard this.

They then showed her the puppy for the first time, upon which she reportedly “fell in love” immediately.

Sisters’ father eventually accepted puppy into home as well

With one vote of approval from their mother, the sisters now had to break the news to their dad too.

After secretly bringing the puppy to her sister’s party, Ethel plucked up the courage to come clean.

At the start, their father was shocked at how small the Pomeranian was.

Luckily for Ethel and her sister, he eventually agreed to let them keep the puppy.

A photo showed her mother holding the puppy lovingly while her father looked on fondly.

Apparently, it did not take long for the Pomeranian’s cuteness to melt their hearts.

Puppy now appears to be bonding with sisters’ father

The Pomeranian, whom they named Kaiser, now spends time with the entire family including the sisters’ father.

In one photo, the puppy could be seen lying down right next to him while he worked.

Source: @etthheelll on TikTok

Ethel quipped that Kaiser is trying to “por” or butter up their dad, and suspects that their dad secretly likes him now.

She concluded the photo carousel with a shot of Kaiser sitting on someone’s lap with a sweet smile on his face, seemingly happily settled in his new home.

Here’s hoping Kaiser will lead a long, happy life full of cuddles and treats with his new family. If you’d like to get more updates on Kaiser, you can follow him on Instagram at @kkaikaiser.

Also read: S’pore Dad Initially Says No To Having Cats, Now Grooms Felines & Buys Them Toys

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Featured image adapted from @etthheelll on TikTok.

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