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4 S'pore Opposition Parties Forming 'The Coalition', Aim To Contest Up To 10 Constituencies

Opposition Parties Forming ‘The Coalition’ Intend To Deny PAP A Two-Thirds Parliamentary Majority

As the next General Election looks to take place in the next two years, the opposition landscape is still fragmented, with as many as 11 parties existing.

For years, observers have called for these opposition parties to band together to form a more credible presence.

It seems that some of them have taken heed, as four are forming an alliance known simply as “The Coalition”.

Source: NSP: National Solidarity Party on Facebook

They intend to contest in up to 10 constituencies at the next GE.

The Coalition is a ‘non-formal partnership’ by opposition parties

The union was announced on Saturday (28 Oct) via Facebook posts by the National Solidarity Party (NSP), Red Dot United (RDU), Singapore People’s Party (SPP), and Singapore United Party (SUP).

Describing The Coalition as a non-formal partnership, the press release said it’s a “significant departure from previous attempts at forming alliances” but didn’t explain how.

Source: Red Dot United on Facebook

The four parties share a commitment to be relevant to Singapore and Singaporeans not only in the lead-up to the next GE but “well into the future”, they said.

6 reasons behind the formation

The Coalition also outlined several “compelling” reasons behind their formation, specifically,stronger appeal to votersunified voiceavoiding three-way fightsparty branding and credibilityjoint manifestoresource management

Basically, banding together will result in more effective communication with voters and enhance their branding. This is believed to increase their chances of winning constituencies during elections.

In practical terms, this will improve the allocation of resources during campaigning and administration of the election itself and avoid damaging three-way fights in constituencies.

The Coalition doesn’t intend to displace ruling party

However, The Coalition doesn’t intend to form the Government, they maintained, saying,

Instead, they aim to provide effective checks and balances on the Government, which is what most voters want, they ascertain.

Hence, they want to offer “reasonable and credible opposition candidates” for Singaporeans to vote for.

They aim to contest up to 10 constituencies

To that end, The Coalition intends to prevent the People’s Action Party (PAP) from having a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

With a two-thirds majority, the ruling party could potentially “change the Constitution and make or amend rules that may disadvantage Singaporeans”, they said.

To do that, they will expand their presence and contest in “eight to ten constituencies”.

In GE2020, the four parties collectively contested in only five constituencies.

Ultimately, they want to ensure the Government remains accountable and the interests of the people are protected, they maintained, adding,

The Coalition will support, synergise & respect opposition parties

In a Facebook post on the same day, SPP Secretary-General Steve Chia said The Coalition has three principles.

Firstly, they’ll work together within the non-governing political parties to Support one another.

Their partnership will also bring forth a Synergy of each party’s strengths.

Lastly, they’ll recognise and Respect each of the four parties’ unique and distinct principles, values and philosophies.

4 other parties formed People’s Alliance in June

Though the press release said The Coalition was unprecedented, four other local opposition parties have actually done something similar.

On 1 June, the Peoples Voice (PV), Reform Party (RP), People’s Power Party (PPP) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) formed the People’s Alliance.

This was announced in a press release carried on the four parties’ respective Facebook pages.

They said they’re taking steps to be registered with the Registry of Societies and intend to contest the next GE under the banner of The Alliance.

Also read: PSP’s Alex Tan Is Right, Small Opposition Parties Are “Sinking” & 3-Corner Fights Will Affect Them Most

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Featured image adapted from NSP: National Solidarity Party on Facebook.

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