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HomeLatest NewsM'sia-Registered MPV Allegedly Tries To Tailgate Out Of Redhill Carpark, Gets Blocked...

M'sia-Registered MPV Allegedly Tries To Tailgate Out Of Redhill Carpark, Gets Blocked By Camcar

Malaysia-Registered Car Allegedly Tailgates To Exit Redhill Carpark, Gets Stopped By Camcar

A Malaysian multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) stuck closely to a car exiting a Redhill carpark, seemingly trying to tailgate to avoid paying parking fees.

However, the camcar foiled the tailgater’s plans by deliberately stopping right past the gantry. As such, the boom gate came down before the MPV could exit.

With the trick dashed, the Malaysian car could only reverse backwards.

Malaysia-registered MPV attempted to tailgate out of Redhill carpark

Facebook page SG Road Vigilante uploaded the short 42-second video.

It showed a silver MPV, with a Johor-registered license plate, following behind the camcar at a Redhill carpark beside ABC Market.

At first, nothing seemed overtly suspicious as they drove down the one-lane road. Both of them were headed towards the gantry.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

However, when the camcar stopped at the parking gantry, the MPV came extremely close behind.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

SG Road Vigilante alleged that the Malaysian car wanted to closely tailgate out of the carpark while the boom gate was up.

This way, it would save on parking fees.

Unfortunately for the driver, the crafty camcar saw through the cunning scheme. Upon passing through the gantry, it immediately stopped right outside, physically blocking the MPV from going any further.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

The camcar then simply waited for the boom gate to lower in between them, thus foiling the tailgate plan.

So close was the MPV to the boom gate that its front was hit.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Ploy thoroughly ruined, the silver MPV slowly reversed off the speed bumps as the camcar drove off.

It’s unknown if the driver ended up just biting the bullet and paying the parking fees, or if they reversed all the way back up to seek the next target.

Source: SG Road Vigilante on Facebook

Cheating parking fees risks S$70 fine

The video’s viewers felt very much satisfied with what they saw as rightful karma. One cheered that someone “finally” gave a parking tailgater their just desserts.

Source: Facebook

Another commenter alleged that some HDB parking gantries now included cameras to check for parking cheats.

Source: Facebook

A netizen also noted that they were risking heavier fines by attempting to be stingy on parking fees, thus making the trick not worth it.

Source: Facebook

Indeed, according to HDB, failure to pay a parking charge risks a fine of S$70 for a car and S$100 for a heavy vehicle.

Surely the parking fees can’t be brutal enough to risk one or more fines of such amounts.

Last year, a driver outsmarted a tailgating car in Yishun using the same method.

Have news you must share? Get in touch with us via email at news@mustsharenews.com.

Featured image adapted from SG Road Vigilante on Facebook.

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