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Daughter Holds Wedding At Hospice To Fulfil Father's Last Wish, He Passes Away That Night

Wedding Held At Thomson Hospice On Short Notice When Bride’s Father’s Condition Deteriorates

Parents usually dream of witnessing their children’s important milestones, including their graduation, marriage and the birth of grandchildren.

Mr Henry Sun was no different. However, his worsening cancer meant that he might not get to see his beloved daughter’s wedding.

Thankfully, the filial woman managed to fulfil her father’s last wish by holding her tea ceremony at the hospice.

Source: Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook

And not a moment too soon, too — satisfied at seeing his daughter settled down, Mr Sun passed away that same night.

Father diagnosed with cancer three years ago

Mr Sun was diagnosed with rectal cancer about three years ago, his daughter Phoebe told Shin Min Daily News.

Surgery wasn’t possible because he also suffered from heart disease, making general anaesthesia dangerous, the 29-year-old operating theatre logistics staff said.

He underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy and went in and out of hospital frequently, but his condition deteriorated after initially being brought under control.

More than a month ago, the family was told he had just three months to live.

He was then transferred from hospital to Assisi Hospice on Thomson Road.

Source: Google Maps

Father wishes to see daughter get married

Knowing Mr Sun’s time was short, Phoebe’s mother told her that he would like to see her get married before passing.

But she also said that she shouldn’t force it if she and her boyfriend weren’t ready.

After discussing it with her boyfriend Marcus and his parents, the couple received support to get hitched.

Source: Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook

Wedding must be held at hospice, charity jumps into action

As Mr Sun was bedridden due to illness, the wedding had to be held at the hospice.

The staff put Phoebe in touch with Ambulance Wish Singapore, a charity that helps the terminally ill.

Upon looking them up, Phoebe found that they fulfil the wishes of dying patients. She was touched, though, that not only would they help her, but they were willing to go the extra mile.

In a Facebook post relating the story, Ambulance Wish said their volunteers jumped into action to secure a place for the tea ceremony at the hospice.

Source: Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook

They also made preparations for what was needed, including thank you cards and popcorn wedding favours.

Source: Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook

Hospice wedding was brought forward by two weeks

A possible complication emerged, though — the couple wanted to hold the wedding on 11 Nov, but Mr Sun’s condition deteriorated.

While they previously had a month of preparation time, Ambulance Wish suggested they bring the tea ceremony forward to 30 Oct.

Less than three days before, the volunteers helped the couple get a small room at the hospice, as well as a make-up artist, flowers, a tea set and decorations.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, they were allowed just six family and friends, but the hospice also managed to get special permission for one more guest.

Source: Shin Min Daily News

Tea ceremony was a touching affair

According to Ambulance Wish, when the tea ceremony finally went ahead, it was a touching affair.

After Mr Sun was rolled into the room, the couple first presented tea to the groom’s parents and then to the bride’s parents, including Mr Sun in bed.

Source: Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook

Marcus served tea saying, “Papa, 喝茶 (tea for you)”, Mr Sun attempted to sit up and take the cup with both hands, Phoebe told Shin Min.

By then, he couldn’t consume food and drink normally, but he still sipped down the tea anyway, she added.

Source: Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook

Though Mr Sun looked tired, his heart must have been beaming with joy, said Ambulance Wish, describing it as a “moving sight to behold”.

He then presented a pair of pens to the couple with help from his wife. It symbolises the couple writing a new life chapter together.

At the end, the family had a photo-taking session to remember the occasion.

Father passes away after fulfilling final wish

Sadly, Mr Sun passed away that same night.

Though his passing is undoubtedly sad, his loved ones can take comfort that he left the world happy that his final wish was fulfilled.

Kudos to Phoebe and Marcus for their filial piety, and to Ambulance Wish and Assisi Hospice for their kindness and generosity.

MS News sends our deepest condolences to Mr Sun’s family and friends. May he rest in peace.

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Featured image adapted from Ambulance Wish Singapore on Facebook.

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