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HomeLatest NewsWoman Pets Cute Dog Along China Street, Gets Bitten On The Face...

Woman Pets Cute Dog Along China Street, Gets Bitten On The Face & Badly Injured

Woman’s Face Mauled & Disfigured After Petting Dog In China

Dog lovers might find a fluffy cute dog on the streets irresistible, but a recent video serves as a reminder to be careful. A woman and her daughter saw a cute dog lying on the streetside in China.

While holding an umbrella, the woman squatted down and stroked the dog, who immediately sat up. Her daughter followed suit.

The white dog then suddenly lunged and mauled the woman in the face. A nearby man in a green apron rushed over and chased the animal off her.

The attack left the woman bleeding and her face disfigured. The owner insisted his dog doesn’t usually bite, but nevertheless agreed to compensate her.

Dog in China attacks woman who stops to touch it

The incident took place at 5pm on 6 Oct in Jiangsu, China. CCTV footage showed a woman in a green dress and holding an umbrella, walking down a street with her young daughter, who was dressed in black.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

While crossing the road, they noticed a large white dog with a fluffy fur coat lying on the roadside across. Finding the canine cute, the two approached it, according to a Chinese news site. The woman squatted down beside the dog first, with her umbrella covering her head. Her daughter quickly followed suit.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

As the woman began to stroke the dog’s head, the animal rose to a sitting position.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

The young girl then reached out and touched the dog’s head as well.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

All seemed fine until the dog lunged and bit the woman’s face while thrashing its head around.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

Bystanders chase the dog away

The woman fell to the ground, screaming. The dog did not let up, charging in around her legs to maul her face again.

A man in a green apron, reportedly the owner of the noodle store next door, immediately rushed over to help.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

He yelled loudly, but the dog continued its assault on the poor woman, who screamed horrifically. The store owner then kicked at the creature and dragged it off the woman.

All the while, the young daughter stood at the side, seemingly in shock at the sudden attack.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

The storeowner chased the dog away, while concerned bystanders came by to check what was happening. Meanwhile, the woman’s daughter hurriedly grabbed her phone, possibly to dial for help.

Wailing in constant agony, the woman sat up, revealing her face soaked in blood from her injuries. She screamed, looking at her hands which were also drenched in blood.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

Thereafter, a helpful noodle shop patron rushed out and handed her some paper towels to soak up the blood. She continued sobbing and screaming, while her daughter put her hands up to her head helplessly. One of the bystanders eventually hurried over to comfort the young girl.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

The woman then staggered her way up to her feet, as others helped her move into the noodle shop while waiting for medical help to arrive.

Source: jiuguansanren on YouTube

Woman’s face left disfigured by injuries

The poor woman survived the attack, but not without suffering serious injuries to her face that left her disfigured. The dog tore part of her cheek open, and left a chunk of her upper eyelid hanging loose, among other cuts from its teeth.

Source: 恰瓜多多 on Weibo (warning: graphic content in link)

Luckily, the young girl escaped unscathed.

The dog’s owner, whose identity remains unconfirmed, claimed that his dog doesn’t usually bite. He attributed the mauling to the woman unintentionally provoking it with her teasing, according to China Press.

Nevertheless, he agreed to compensate the victim for her injuries.

Other online speculations included the woman’s umbrella frightening the dog by appearing like a big opaque net.

Source: Weibo

Regardless of the actual reasoning behind the dog’s sudden attack, the video serves as a reminder not to approach and touch unfamiliar animals.

If the animal has an owner, always seek permission first. Otherwise, keeping a safe and respectful distance may be the best choice.

Last year, a stray cat in Clementi attacked and injured a woman walking her dog.

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Featured image adapted from jiuguansanren on YouTube and 恰瓜多多 on Weibo.

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